Spa treatment in another EU member state

To be eligible for a spa treatment in another EU Member State you must meet the following conditions:

  • have health insurance in Slovenia and
  • have a decision of a ZZZS appointed physician prescribing you a spa treatment.

Before receiving a spa treatment in another EU Member State, you must obtain a decision of a ZZZS appointed physician. If the request of your personal physician is granted, the appointed physician will name a Slovenian spa in his decision, and you will have the right to undergo this spa treatment in another EU Member State.

You must undergo the spa treatment in another EU Member State in accordance with the decision of the appointed physician and the relevant standard as set by the appointed physician.

Coverage of costs of a spa treatment in an EU Member State based on a decision of a ZZZS appointed physician

You pay for the treatment in another EU Member State yourself, and after the spa treatment you claim cost reimbursement.

Fill out the application for reimbursement of costs of a planned medical treatment abroad on the basis of a decision of a ZZZS appointed physician approving a spa treatment with the following data:

  • personal data,
  • information on your bank account, to which the funds shall be transferred,
  • data on the representative or proxy holder, if any,
  • data on the spa treatment you received abroad.

Submit the following with the application:

  • invoice for the received spa treatment with proof of payment,
  • supporting documents on the received spa treatment.

Possible ways of submitting the application:

Amount of reimbursement of costs of a spa treatment in an EU Member State based on a decision of a ZZZS appointed physician

The ZZZS shall reimburse costs in the amount of the average price of such a treatment in Slovenia, but not more than the actual costs.
If the price of the treatment is higher in Slovenia, the actual cost of the treatment in another EU Member State shall be reimbursed.

Legal basis

•   Directive 2011/24/EU
•   Article 44(c) of the Health Care and Health Insurance Act
•   Rules on compulsory health insurance


You can submit an application via an online form (you do not need a digital certificate for electronic signing to submit).

Application for reimbursement of costs of planned medical treatment in another EU Member State